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Oops! I Messed Up… the Book Tag!

Ned Stark and I Messed Up

The I Messed Up Book Tag was originally created by IsthatChami on Youtube. It’s a couple of years old but I haven’t done it yet and anything where I can say I messed up generally appeals to me.

Questions and answers below!

A character appearance you imagined differently?

All of them.

Honestly, appearances are probably the thing I don’t least attention to after like the first moment. When I read I just cast the movie in my head and let it play out- so I cast whatever actors or actresses I’m currently into at the time.

A little odd perhaps but it works for me.

A name you pronounced wrong?

Perhaps that’s embarrassing to admit but when I first read the name when the books came out I could not figure out how to pronounce it. Now naturally it’s easy! For some reason I kept turning the I into an E.

I don’t think I can pronounce Agnieszka from Uprooted.

Also I know she wasn’t in the book but for some reason I have never been able to pronounce Tauriel from The Hobbit movies even after hearing it.

Overused trope that’s a guilty pleasure?

Bad boy with the heart of gold or the sad past you need to help him get over!

(This does not include Bad Boy who was ever physically abusive that just needs the love of a good woman to help him. Cause I’ve been seeing that line walked more and more and it’s just getting on my nerves.)

A cliched character you like better on screen than in a book?

Huh. I guess that depends on how the character is played. But probably “mean girls” characters play better on screen for me.

Regina George- still the Queen of all the Mean Girls

Or the Bad Boy thing… especially if they have a beard.

A word of phrase you learned because of a book?

Too many to count.

Have you ever not read or completed required school reading?

In high school I always finished no matter how much I hated it. (Looking at you Portrait of an Artist as a Young Man & Heart of Darkness.) In college I learned quick you didn’t really have to. 🙂

Have you ever skipped a POV chapter?

Eh. First time around this would probably mess with my head too much. Otherwise I might if I knew it contained something that upset me.

Cancelled social plans to read?

It’s all a matter of how you phrase it. I don’t think I’ve ever cancelled plans but I haven’t done things specifically so that I could have the time to read.

When Battlestar Galactica was on a couple of years ago I was horrible about scheduling things around it. It would show at seven and ten and my rule was we either left after eight or I had to be back by ten. After a while people were pretty much like forget it we’ll go out tomorrow and I’d be, “Oh good. Good!”

It was an obsession. 🙂


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