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Zodiac Sign Recommendations: Aquarius

zodiac sign book recommendations

Well the Aquarius sign holds a special place in my heart. It’s traits include: true bohemian, logic combined with creativeness, a concern for the underdog and human rights. They are also gifted communicators, team players and full of great humor. But full of contradictions (like most people.) So I tried to pick the recommendations that most played into those.

I do like that one of the “issues” is flashes of unexpected rage. Um, yeah. I got that…

For a daily or monthly chart check out the Elle Daily Horoscopes.


I couldn’t help think of Elle Woods and Legally Blonde as a movie recommendation and a great character overall.

Dumplin’ is another great option for humor and pushing for the underdog especially. I haven’t read the follow up Puddin’ (it’s been sitting on my shelf since it was released) but considering that one is about the awesome Millie whose even more of those things than Willowdean I feel like it should go on the list.

She burned a convent for love and lived anyway she pleased flaunting the rules. Became a famous singer, fought duels and followed her heart through several love affairs. So I thought Goddess was a good pick for this one as well.

Then there’s a couple of other books that have been mocking me from my shelves that I feel would be great for Aquarius.

Moxie is about a young girl tired of what the girls at her high school put up with she starts a feminist zine that gets everyone talking. And blurbed by Amy Poehler! I love the idea of going with a zine and the cover immediately made me want to buy it.

I bought the book last fall when the movie came out and promptly never read it. The movie was good though- I finally watched it! Keira Knightley had some nice moments. She plays the French writer whose Claudine books were quiet sensational though they were originally claimed by her husband. Dominic West was quiet slappable in this one.

Romantic Outlaws is about the life of Mary Wollstonecraft and Mary Shelley. Ah, again my bookshelves just mock me sometimes. I’m definitely putting this on my Read Soon List.  As I’ve watched the recent Mary Shelley movie I think she fits quite a bit of the Aquarius traits and I’d love to know more about her mother!

So generally speaking if my sign is trying to tell me anything at all it’s: READ WHAT’S ON YOUR SHELF!

Here’s the recs for Capricorn…

Happy Birthday to all the Aquarius birthdays out there!




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