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My Fantasy Book Club Members

harley is confused

So I’ve been sick the last couple of days and taking on-line quizzes including which Avenger would you start a book club with…

I got Wanda which was a yeah for me because she’s one of my top 5 Marvel characters. But that got me thinking: fantasy book clubs and who else would be in mine 🙂 And surprisingly I didn’t just stack it with you know, David Harbour, Jason Momoa and Tom Hardy it’s legit about the books!

This description could also describe me so I think it would work!

As far as other Avengers I think I’d go with:

Thor. Imagine the inspirational and self-help books we could tackle. Plus he does seem like a lot of fun (well he used to be) and he would totally bring in new members.

Chidi would keep us on the intellectual straight and narrow yet Eleanor would appeal to the celebrity books and memoirs that I love to binge every now and again.

The Good Omens angel/demon have been around since the beginning. The Garden of Eden and before as a matter of fact so think of all the books they could tell us about all the great novels that have been lost or things Shakespeare might have told them in a pub one night that never got written.

Shuri is another Avenger and I was trying not to pick that many but she’d actually be really great in a book club. The perfect mix of intellectual and fun and interesting.

I actually assumed there was some sort of Disney Princess book club. If there is I missed it but regardless what we really need is a version of the Disney Princess Fan Club for the adults who occasionally want to hang on to the whimsey. This could be a really good club and if Disney wants someone to run it… I’m available 🙂

Speaking of other book clubs that could totally exist that I would join in a nano-second.

I’m a sucker for a celebrity book club anyway so the idea that I wouldn’t read whatever Taylor picked… yeah, trust me, I would. (At least for a couple of months!) And the way she sells I don’t know why publishers and authors aren’t all over the idea. Maybe after the next tour? 🙂

So that’s some of my top picks for Fantasy Book Clubs and I think Taylor and the Princesses could totally happen. I also still think a Hopper, Venom, Aquaman, Poe and Punisher book club would be a blast but I suppose that’s more for fan fiction.


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