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September Ends at Last


September is finally ending.

Generally speaking it’s always been one of my least favorite months. Miserable heat while everyone else gets to start Fall (so it seems) and always without fail endless sinus infections and migraines that make a meeting with Pennywise look like a pleasant alternative.

Yeah, I am obviously ready for October.

Movie wise It 2 was a bit of a let down but I am now a real fan of sad wet Bill Hader (and Hader period) I’m in the middle of Barry but I’m probably going to have a lot to say about that one. It’s really excellent actually.

I watched John Wick for the first time all three at a go!

I also finally caved and watched Inglorious Basterds- really good cast and I liked a lot of it but I can’t help but feel like it’s a bit overrated. I think it’s just me and Tarantino we’ve never really meshed but I would definitely say this was my favorite of his films.

The main movie news almost all seemed to revolve around Kevin Feige. He’s doing a Star Wars film which intrigues me and Spider Man is back in the MCU which if I’m being honest I don’t care that much about because I am never going to get my Spider Man/Deadpool event so I just have to make my peace with that.

I have a bunch of series I’m currently in the middle of and really enjoying including Barry but other than the Emmy’s rewarding actual awesome picks and Benioff and Weiss not winning the writing Emmy not much going on the tv front either.

Honestly I was super excited that Netflix was showing the current season of The Great British Bake-Off as it aired and this is probably my least favorite season of all of them. Although we do end September with confirmation of Stranger Things season 4.

Ah, books.

It felt like such a middling month with books. I overbought which I pretty much knew I was going to do thanks to some awesome new releases this month. Nothing really blew me away this month.

I’ve been torn on reading The Testaments which is Margaret Atwood’s sequel to The Handmaid’s Tale.

So I gave it a reread which I’m glad I did! I felt like I liked it better and it resonated more than when I read it in high school. But I’m still back and forth on The Testaments. It’s like every time I see a great review I’m itching to read it and then every time I read a middling one or worse and I’m like, “Nope, not for me.”


I’ll likely read it eventually but I’m not going to rush out and jump into it. There are so many other books I want to get to first and I am trying to be book buying better.

Anyway I’m going into October in a better mood spooky books, the Victober read-a-thon and a Zombieland movie and well I’m already decorated up for Halloween so I’ll just leave this wrap up with a quote from the one and only Anne of Green Gables,

“I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers.”


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