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Morbius and Oscar Noms

Jared Leto in Morbius

So the Morbius trailer dropped and I must admit I’m more intrigued than I was (which was like maybe 2% so that wasn’t hard) but more interested in different movies and the bigger universe.

Thoughts while watching the trailer:

Jared Harris would make an awesome villain in one of these movies or anti-hero. Now that I’m writing it has he been? There’s been so many of these movies.

Matt Smith! Matt Smith! Matt Smith! I bet they’re going to waste him 🙁

This seems like the type of world Blade would inhabit (I mean he does I know) but I don’t know if Marvel’s going to share that much.

It will be interesting to see what they do with Spider-Man 3. I cannot imagine them making it as dark as it seems to need to be under the circumstances maybe if he hadn’t stayed in the MCU? But it will be interesting to see nonetheless.

Also the Oscar nominations came out and they were… pretty damned boring.

I think the awards themselves especially acting are going to have zero surprises.

That being said Florence got her first nomination for Little Women! It’s not Mid-Sommar or even Fighting with My Family but I’ll take what I can get and I’m definitely rooting for her! I’m also going to perpetually hope if anyone pulls out a surprise it will be Driver for Best Actor but my luck it would more be Pitt getting upset for Best Supporting Actor 🙁

Oh well, at least I don’t have that many nominated films to catch up on!


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