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Dear Endless Streaming Services, Please Adapt…

Dear Streaming Services… In association with Top Ten Tuesday I have a list of some book series that would make amazing firework worthy adaptations.

You’ll notice this isn’t 10 and I’ve probably mentioned these before but that’s how deeply I believe they should be adapted.

Okay so something like I Hate Fairyland should probably be animated. Get the guys who animated the Scoob! movie. It wasn’t great but the colors made me think of candy which is perfect for this portal world fantasy where the child doesn’t escape and becomes an over-sugared bitter thirty-something stuck in a child’s body murdering her way through the world.

It’s good fun and the end actually makes a nice point I think a lot of people amongst the target audience would relate to!

The Book of the Ancestor trilogy (which starts with Red Sister) about a young girl’s training and growing up at a school for well bad-ass assassin nun warriors.

This series has everything you would want for it to be compared to Thrones (betrayal, murder, lust, war and awful deaths) but it also has great roles for female actresses across the ages and powerful female friendships. So good when you do make a series please keep it away from Benioff and Weiss.

This wonderful series by Julie Kagawa skews a little younger than Red Sister it’s at heart full of danger but the magic is more fun. Our main character is a kitsune girl who undertakes a journey in order to protect a scroll and stop a world-ending dragon from being summoned.

We get a found family group joining her. Great relationships and an ending that actually delivers on the action as well as the heart.

And much like Red Sister providing great roles for lots of actresses this is a fantasy based in the East so would be an opportunity for great representation!

It’s like Game of Thrones but with the fae!

See the tag lines practically write themselves a this point! (FYI I don’t want any of them to actually be like the HBO show but since that’s what every fantasy must be compared to these days it works!)

This series is about a normal girl raised in fairy world bullied and abused for being different (see a character we can all get behind! an every girl sort of character) she fights to take the power she never had in another epic tale of betrayal, family, revenge and a Cruel Prince who always gave me Tom Hiddleston’s Loki but with a tail vibe.

It’s screamingly cinematic!

And there was no way I was leaving off…

The one and only Murderbot!

Another series with a great relatable character who just wants to watch television but has to keep saving the silly easily killable humans that he doesn’t have any feelings for, oh no, not him having feelings.

There’s only one book but several fast and easy to read and adapt novellas. You’d have to cast him pretty carefully but actually the first season I think would otherwise be pretty reasonable to produce money wise for a sci-fi.

(I’ve put a lot of thought into this.)

And I think he would be incredibly popular!

I want to see Weep brought to life.

I want to see the dreams and nightmares play out on screen. And the angel fall. Mostly I want to see Minya and her Muse of Nightmares storyline. I’m waiting with baited breath to see what Netflix makes of Leigh Bardugo’s Grisha world but if they manage to do it justice I have hope they could do for Laini Taylor as well.

Although honestly for something as intricate as Strange the Dreamer I’d prefer HBO. But either way it deserves to happen and I can’t believe it hasn’t yet. Hell the UK edition covers of both books can be the posters and save some money!

So if any of the streaming services are looking for new projects here’s a start 🙂

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