To Sleep in a Sea of Stars

To Sleep in a Sea of Stars By: Christopher Paolini It would be just my luck to fall into an empty cavern of parasitic dust and these days I don't think I'd even have to go to another world to do it. This was a take two for me with Christopher Paolini as I didn't... Continue Reading →

Morbius and Oscar Noms

So the Morbius trailer dropped and I must admit I'm more intrigued than I was (which was like maybe 2% so that wasn't hard) but more interested in different movies and the bigger universe. Thoughts while watching the trailer: Jared Harris would make an awesome villain in one of these movies or anti-hero. Now that... Continue Reading →

Things I Will Never Say: Movie Edition

Last week I did a Things I Would Never Say book edition. It was originally supposed to be a movie edition... brought on by my frustration over the previews and commercials at my theater pushing the start time for Crawl back to nearly 30 minutes. And we'll just leave out the fact that I still haven't... Continue Reading →

Movie Thoughts with Venom

Screw the whole Inner Goddess thing. If there's a voice in my head it would probably be Venom so below we work through some movie thoughts and questions with the alien  (that doesn't want to be called a parasite!) I also feel like I should say I have no knowledge of the comic book character.... Continue Reading →

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