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October Wrap-Up: Appropriate Amounts of Halloween Candy

the witch

One of these days I’m going to have the appropriate amount of candy for handing out on Halloween. I swear I half want to do some neighborhood census in September. Like do you have kids? Will you be trick-or-treating past my house? Does anybody ever nail the correct amount needed?

I hope everyone had a great Halloween!

Anyway we’re officially in November! Clocks change this weekend and it’s my favorite time of the year. Hoping my mood will improve with the time 🙂

I managed to get out of jury duty in the beginning of October so that was a bonus. It was close to. Literally last day of selections I was in a chair in the box thinking, “Please don’t pick me! Please don’t pick me!”

I’d actually be interested in serving on a jury at some point but this was a two month (at least) capital murder case and like I told the lawyers. I just don’t want that kind of responsibility. But onto what I watched, read and well, watched…


Yeah, basically it was A Star Is Born and old Venom…

Both were good in very different ways. I mean Venom was just fun- which I wouldn’t really describe A Star is Born as.

Yet there’s so many movies to look forward to this month; Nutcracker, Widows, The Grinch, Fantastic Beasts 2 and if they open anywhere in the vicinity of my house Green Book & The Favorite. I’ll likely be at the theater quiet a bit.


I don’t really count this as a great reading month. Some interesting books and Muse of Nightmares was a 5 star read as expected.

The love stuff made me crazy but hey at least she doesn’t go as wild on that stuff as Maas.

I participated in Victober listening to-

Which is basically a nice little look into this small village life. I admit it took me probably half the book to get into but I ended up enjoying it and would recommend if, like me, you aren’t really into Victorian literature.

Ghostly Tales Spine-Chilling Stories of the Victorian Age

They really liked their short stories and ghost stories so this one meshed nicely. I was genuinely creeped out by The Screaming Skull by Frances Marion Crawford. And thought  The Signalman (Charles Dickens) and The Old Nurse’s Story (Elizabeth Gaskell) were just good ghost stories.

Would recommend both books.


Boy did television take up a lot of my time this month (thanks Netflix!) I’m still in the middle of a bunch of stuff because I fell down a certain vigilante/drama Queen hole…

I’m not a binge watcher (in fact I usually draw this stuff out or never finish) but I watched Daredevil Season 3 in four days. Four days! And quiet frankly I’ve rewatched most of the episodes and gone back to season one. It was that good! I’m trying not to start babbling about it yet until more people have watched it.

I also finished season 2 of The Crown which I will be babbling about…

I know they’re still filming season 3 but I’m hoping they get it out by next Spring. I think they’ll want to hit award eligibility so fingers crossed!

So that pretty much sums up October: not doing my civic duty, candy fail, crap mood, royals, parasitic alien in Tom Hardy, Bradley Cooper can sing, in love with everyone on Daredevil & ready for Aquaman!

I hope you all have a wonderful November ahead 🙂




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