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Is a Road Trip always the Answer?

wayward son

Wayward Son

By: Rainbow Rowell

I’m really hoping that between Wayward Son and It Chapter 2 both falling a bit flat that’s not a portent of entertainment choices for the rest of the year.

Also did Baz eat so many poor pets in the first book? Cause I don’t remember that at all.

Anyway we join our golden trio at wits end in England. Simon now has wings and little idea who or what he is. Baz mostly seems to care what his and Simon’s relationship is and isn’t and Penny continues railroading everyone by coming up with a road trip in America idea to see Agatha.

Despite the fact that Agatha really doesn’t want to see any of them. But she has trouble of her own to deal with when she accompanies a friend to a New Age retreat in the desert. Always a bad idea. Always.

But America makes Penny and Baz pretty miserable. They don’t know the ways of magic over here and they are breaking quiet a few laws otherwise. But road trip Simon is happy Simon so they continue especially when they realize Agatha’s in trouble. The road trip portion of the book is fun- especially their differing reactions and learning about magic in America through their eyes was interesting. We’re playing catch up with the characters that way.

I liked some of the characters we meet along the way and it’s during those moments when the comraderie and back and forth feels most natural.

But as a whole the book just feels flat to me. Everyone didn’t need a POV. Shepherd didn’t get interesting until the very end (this is part of a series). Baz annoyed me with the animal thing but also his constant thinking about Simon when Baz actually starts learning about vampires and doing something productive it’s like a cue for Simon to go over the top jealous and cause trouble.

It would have made sense if he just plain old marked his territory. I mean he does have a tail.

Wayward Son is what it is- a middle of the road middle book with some entertaining moments. I’m still invested in these characters but less so than after Carry On.

Recommend: Yes- if you’re already a fan you’ll probably want to read it anyway but if not you can easily wait for the third book. But honestly even if you are a fan you can probably take your time on reading this one.



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