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Witches, Cats, Thrones & My Childhood Fav Returns

Henry Cavil in the Witcher

So Comic-Con is still bringing lots of trailers and information and we haven’t even hit Marvel yet. And there’s also that trailer that wasn’t at comic-con and I think I’ve finally made my peace with Game of Thrones- even that one lingering question that I’d still like an answer to.

I think we’ve hit the one thing I won’t do for Taylor 🙂

No I mean this looks unnerving and weird and I’m not a big fan of the musical anyway. My roommate says she’ll go as long as its a theater that serves alcohol which I can kind of see her point. Maybe we’ll get more used to the look of the cats with more trailers?

The Witcher trailer also debuted

I’m a little torn on this one. I don’t know the source material so I don’t have the passion for it some people have. The series doesn’t look great but it could be interesting I especially like the look of the female characters.

It’s definitely falling under the I’m intrigued enough to watch but I don’t have much hope… but maybe I’ll be pleasantly surprised?

The original Top Gun is the movie of my childhood. I know, I know but I started young with a liking for cocky guys in uniforms. My mother likes to joke that if they had instant replay and such in those days she would have been fine leaving me without a sitter I was so enthralled.

The trailers pretty but there’s not much to it except the slightly sad implication that Maverick literally hasn’t changed. I’m telling myself this ones still pretty far away so maybe I’ll get more excited. Hopefully…

I’m definitely more excited for that Amazon show The Boys. It’s getting good reviews and I picked up a couple volumes of the comic. It looks at least like it’s going to be a lot of fun.

And Karl Urban is hot so it looks like it will be a good summer watch!

Finally there was a good-bye to Game of Thrones panel. David Benioff and DB Weiss backed out which is a shame though I doubt they would have answered any real questions and the last one I wanted answered is:

Why did they cut Stoneheart? And what purpose did bringing back Beric instead have for the show?

There have been bullshit answers in the past but none that I bought especially considering Martin’s insistence that she is important and it was a mistake. But since Comic-Con is a time for contemplation 🙂 naturally I have to admit I think I already know the answer and there’s probably nothing they could say that I would buy so it’s time to let that one go to Thrones is dead and now the important things:

What are Marvel’s plans for Keanu?

Is Superman really done with Cavill?

When does Stranger Things come back?

And that new Internet question what’s scarier- Pennywise or the Cats Trailer?

I hope everyone’s having a great weekend!


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