Great Good Omens News

Here's some news I wasn't expecting/had given up on but we're getting a second season of Good Omens! David Tennant and Michael Sheen are set to return and it will be filmed in Scotland and obviously go beyond the book. So we can see what our favorite angel-demon besties have gotten up to since. Which... Continue Reading →

A Love Letter to Friendship

Good Omens It's a love letter to friendship and perhaps a little bit to those who do a half-assed version of their jobs until they realize hey this might be the end of the world. Crowley (David Tennant) is a demon (who didn't mean to fall) happy to laze around Earth and send memos while... Continue Reading →

Jessica Jones

Jessica Jones Marvel/Netflix Grade: A The story of Marvel's PI and would-be superhero whose life gets derailed when she runs into Kevin Kilgrave, whose power of mind control is frightening enough without the fact that he's a complete and utter sociopath. She thinks she's broken free of her time with him when the case of... Continue Reading →

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