Best Books of the Decade

As we head into not just a new year but a new decade I thought I'd do my top books of the decade. It was supposed to be a list of 10 but wound up doubled. Some might be controversial picks but I enjoyed all of them for many different reasons. And I've found that... Continue Reading →

All the Best Deaths

Okay, this is a bit morbid perhaps but I was thinking of it in regards to Strange the Dreamer and we're so close to Halloween so All the Best of the Deaths. By the way this isn't a good or bad thing some of these absolutely devastated me but they were so well done! Also... Continue Reading →

My Favorite Books of 2017!

I read a lot this year and below compiled my favorite reads with some runners-ups. These are definitely the books that stayed with me that made me think, "Oh, yes. I would read that again and you should read it to." Note: A couple of them aren't actually from this year but I'm counting it... Continue Reading →

The Book Lovers Survival Tag

So I don't often do tags but I saw this one on Youtube specifically Tashapolis' Channel and I'm a sucker for the what would you take with you on a deserted island question so I jumped. The original tag was sponsored by Penguin Teen for A Map for Wrecked Girls. But I just liked the idea. Chose... Continue Reading →

2017 Mid-Year Wrap-Up!

Prediction for the end of the year: I will own an embarrassing amount of Hela merchandise! I'm going to keep this round-up of the first part of 2017 super simple and try not to cry about the fact that we're halfway through because while 2017 might be halfway over, at least entertainment wise, I think... Continue Reading →

Strange the Dreamer

Strange the Dreamer Author: Laini Taylor Grade: A Lazlo Strange, librarian and former orphan, dreams about the lost city of Weep. So lost in fact that Weep isn't actually the name. The real name disappeared from everyone's minds, even Lazlo's, long ago. He believes that research and dreams are all he will ever have despite... Continue Reading →

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